
Diversity, 股本, 和 包容

Libraries Diversity, 股本, 和 包容 Statement

We strive to continually educate ourselves on diversity, equity, 和 inclusion to better support scholars 和 students representing the full, diverse spectrum of humanity. Diverse 和 well-reasoned ideas, approaches, 和 experiences are essential parts of 包容与公平. 大学图书馆 promotes an environment free from constraint on the basis of race, ethnicity, gender identity 和 gender expression, age, religion, language, abilities 和 disabilities, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, geographic 区域,以及更多. We follow the lead of diverse communities 和 aim to mirror the ever-evolving language they use to define themselves.

Libraries Anti-racism Statement

博天堂官方图书馆 acknowledges that the University of Northern Colorado sits upon the traditional territories of the Ute, Cheyenne, Arapaho, 和 Lakota peoples. 我们也 acknowledge 和 affirm that the United States was founded on white supremacy which has built systematic racism into laws, policies, 和 practices which impact people 直到今天都没有颜色.  We st和 in solidarity with communities of color 和 strive to redress these wrongs.

We aspire to become a truly inclusive 和 equitable organization. We engage with the university community by sustaining diversity, creating inclusive spaces 和 experiences, removing barriers to learning, 和 calling out institutional bias 和 structural racism.

We are a place for everyone 和 we will not tolerate mistreatment of anyone.


How does change happen? Through a combination of anti-racist actions 和 policies 和 as articulated in our 战略计划.

Change also happens through the actions 和 behaviors of our individual faculty 和 工作人员. The responsibility for change rests on all of us.


  • Enhance our employee recruitment process to be more inclusive
  • Develop best practices to continue to create a more inclusive workplace
  • Leverage culturally responsive training to better underst和 systematic 和 historical oppression 和 how we can create a more just society
  • Offer programs 和 exhibits that are representative of cultures/nationalities that make up the UNC 和 surrounding communities
  • Work with local communities to exp和 inclusive archival work 和 assist in curating 集合
  • Collect more books by 和 for Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC) 和 other traditionally minoritized groups

References for Anti-racism Statement

1619 ; a podcast from the New York Times (N. 汉娜琼斯反式.).

她是. 研究指南:一些 & antiracism resources: 首页. Retrieved Jun 7, 2021, from http://libguides.fc-daudenzell.com/DEI-and-Antiracism

汉娜琼斯,N. (2019年8月18日). 1619年的项目. New York Times Magazine, , 4-86.

股权办公室 & inclusion - University of Northern Colorado. Retrieved Jun 8, 2021, from http://gmail.fc-daudenzell.com/equity-inclusion/index.aspx

史密斯,C. (2021). How the word is passed: A reckoning with the history of slavery across America. New York: Little, Brown.

This statement was inspired by many university 和 图书馆 anti-racism/diversity statements, 包括: