



网络 can seem like a daunting experience, especially when you don’t feel you have the tools necessary to be successful, or you haven’t experienced the true value 第一手的关系网.

A big part of successful networking is the time you put into preparing for an event, your attitude and demeanor at an event, and your 后续 afterward. 提前计划和 put your network to work with these nine easy tips:


1. 制定计划

Many networking 事件 share a list of people or employers who will be attending. Make a list of the people you want to connect with during the event, then spend a little time researching their backgrounds, 职业生涯 paths and current projects. 这 way you'll make the most of your time building new relationships during the event.

2. 带一个“社交伙伴”

Ask a friend to attend a networking event with you. “网络伙伴”可以是 great source of encouragement at the event and can act as a “home-base” between connections.

3. 练习你的“电梯演讲”

The “Elevator Pitch” is best described as a 60 second commercial you create to introduce 对他人的自我. An “Elevator Pitch” is a great a way to differentiate yourself from others at an event while sharing your unique attributes. 这个技术有四个 关键元素:

  • 你的名字
  • Your current position and the organization/institution you’re associated with
  • Something unique about yourself (an expertise or a passion)
  • 坚定的握手


4. 网络 & 食物

Eat something light prior to an event (a small piece of dark chocolate can help with 焦虑). If you eat something at the event, grab a small portion, and carry breath 给你薄荷糖. Re-check yourself in the mirror; you don’t want to be the person with food in their teeth or greasy hands.

5. 使用“楔形”技巧

While at a networking event, you might fall into some situations where you’re unsure of when and how to enter an existing conversation. 进入“楔形”.“这种技术 can be used if two guests are speaking together and maintain a 45 degree angle opening in their position to one another. Move in, introduce yourself to both guests and join 谈话.

专业技巧: If you're flying solo, chances are someone else is too. 所以当楔形技术 isn't an option, look for someone else standing alone. 走上前,介绍你自己 然后开始对话. And don't forget to leave your own 45 degree angle, chances are others will want to join you.

6. 以名片为例

Business cards are a simple way professionals share their contact information with 新acquanintances. If you don’t have business cards, don't fret.  你可以轻松地 and inexpensively make your own with an online service. When it comes to design, ensure that your name and contact information are legible. Highlight your expertise or industry 卡片上的某个地方.

专业技巧:  Seasoned networkers add the date and a conversation note to the back of business cards they receive during 事件. Notes help provide detail and context for post event 后续.


7. 在Linkedin上联系

LinkedIn is a profession and employment oriented social networking service.  它可以帮助 you manage your online professional identity, build and engage with your professional network, and follow industry insiders. Use LinkedIn as your first outreach to your new connection; add a personal note or reminder in the invitation to connect.

专业技巧: Make sure that your LinkedIn profile is up to date before reaching out to new contacts. LinkedIn includes a link to your profile in the notification users receive when you 邀请他们建立联系. So,chances are your new connection will visit your profile before or after accepting your invitation.

8. 发送电子邮件

Not everyone signs into their social networking sites daily.  如果你发了一条LinkedIn invitation to connect, also send an email. Your email should include a reminder of how you met and an invitation to meet again in person. 当你邀请别人 meet in person, it is important that you provide 3-4 days/times that you are available so that your new contact can check their calendar and quickly schedule a meeting. 

9. 变

If you e-mailed your new contact and/or sent an invitation to connect on LinkedIn more than a week ago and they haven’t reached out, try giving them a call. 是短暂的, but remind them who you are, where you first connected, and why you’re reaching out.

专业技巧: In the age of technology, we have grown to expect immediate responses. 永远记住 to be patient and kind when reaching out to new contacts. 提前感谢他们 their time and consideration, and give them time to reply to you.


The alumni association's monthly 熊网直播在线职业生涯 chats connect you with professional 职业生涯 advisors and alumni representatives to answer your 职业生涯 and networking connections. Use these online chats as an opportunity to prepare and refine your networking skills prior to attending an upcoming event.

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