

部门 should submit payment requests and supporting documentation to Accounts Payable after receiving an invoice or reimbursement request for goods or services received. Once the payment request and supporting documentation are submitted to Accounts Payable, it can take between 7-10 business days to produce either a check or an ACH payment.

以下情况 将扩展 the amount of time that it takes for 应付账款 to produce a payment:

  • 使用赠款资金的付款请求;
  • 使用基金会资金的付款请求;
  • 缺少签名的付款请求;
  • 需要额外批准的付款请求;
  • 缺少或不充分证明文件的付款请求;
  • Payment requests for new vendors (this includes independent contractors and candidate 补偿).
  • 检查或ACH请求

    Campus departments must initiate payment for purchases that are less than $10,000 by submitting invoices to 应付账款 with a completed 检查/每请求. 检查/每 Requests must be signed by the appropriate 基金批准者 for the account string to 被起诉. 

    For payments at or greater than $10,000, a purchase request must be initiated. Orders to the vendor/contractor cannot be placed until a Purchase Order is generated and approved. For payments to vendor/contractors that are less than $10,000, departments 应通过UNC Visa卡(PCard)支付发票. 

    Depending on the type of payment being requested, supporting documentation includes:

    • Invoice;
    • Purchase Order number when total amount of purchase is $10,000 or greater;
    • 美国国税局W-9表 and 直接存款表格 for payees who have not been assigned a Bear 金融系统中的数字;
    • 个人资料更改要求表格 if payee’s name has changed since the last time 由联合国军司令部支付;
    • 礼品卡购买豁免 that has been approved by UNC’s tax accountant;
    • Gifts, Prizes or Awards Recipient Information Form to document recipients of gift cards.
  • 报销请求


    Reimbursements not related to travel may be requested when an individual is directed by the University to use personal funds to purchase approved goods or services for 金额低于1万美元.

    • Obtain approval from your department’s 基金批准者 prior to making purchases for 学校使用个人资金的;
    • Be aware that reimbursement requests submitted more than 60 days after an expense 是否发生将被视为应纳税所得额.


    •  Travel 报销请求 do not require a 基金批准者 signature if a completed, approved Travel Authorization signed by the 基金批准者 is submitted with the Travel 报销申请表格.
    • If the UNC VISA credit card (PCard) provided by the University is not used by University employees to pay for travel expenses, the travel reimbursement may be held by Accounts 在支付款项前的三十(30)天内支付.
    • Be aware that reimbursement requests submitted more than 60 days after the return 日期必须申报为应纳税所得额.


    • 座位升级;
    • 优先登机;
    • 泊车费用每日超过$15;
    • 2件或2件以上托运行李费(允许托运1件);
    • Mileage expenses that exceed the cost of airfare to the travel destination and home;
    • 航班改签费;
    • 一日游的伙食;
    • Travel insurance for domestic travel (travel insurance for international travel may 经基金批准人预先批准购买);
    • 出租汽车保险,但有使用损失险的除外;
    • 酒精饮料;
    • 娱乐费用;
    • Any personal expenses in excess of the incidental expense allowed by Per Diem rate.
  • 独立的合同

    An independent contractor is an individual who contracts with the University to provide specified goods or services to the University in a self-determining manner.  一般 speaking, independent contractors retain control over their schedule and number of 工作时间、接受的工作和工作表现.  一个人不可能 considered an independent contractor if they are deemed to be an employee of the University. 有关支付独立承包商的更多信息,请参见 联合国军司令部雇用独立承包商的政策和程序.

  • 搬家费用报销

    Costs associated with relocating a new UNC employee will be funded from a centralized 由人力资源部监督的预算. 任何预计超过的金额 2500美元需要相应的副总裁预先批准. 所有搬家费用 报酬应在聘用信中明确说明. 欲知有关 提交搬家费用报销,请看 搬家费用报销说明.

  • 特别检查要求

    There are rare occasions when a department may need a check immediately to pay a vendor/contractor. A special check is done when a check is needed immediately and it is not possible 等待定期检查打印过程. 你们部门要收25美元 对于处理的每个特殊检查请求.

    • 填写一张特别支票申请表.
    • 填写支票/ACH申请表.
    • Submit both completed forms with supporting documentation to the 应付账款 部门在当天下午3点前要求对您进行特别检查.
  • 电汇

    Requests to do a bank wire payment will be accepted by 应付账款 after a department confirms with the vendor/contractor that no options exist for making payment via PCard, ACH或check. If a department can confirm that no other payment option is available, the department can contact 应付账款 to obtain a Wire Request Form. 一旦账户 Payable has been contacted, the 应付账款 staff will work with the department to obtain all the necessary information (including tax forms and vendor/contractor 设置信息)和资金转移的批准. 电汇很复杂 and can be time-consuming, so departments should plan to spend a significant amount of time working with 应付账款 prior to the processing of a wire transfer. There is a $30 charge to your department for each wire transfer that is processed.

  • 定义

    基金批准者:  The person or persons that have authority to approve an expenditure of UNC funds 从指定的帐户字符串.

    官方的函数:  Promotion and development activities and/or events that foster economic and civic responsibilities to students, employees, financial supporters and communities (municipal, 教育,专业和国际).

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