
Female college student wearing a white robe in a biology lab

A Legacy of Helping Generations of 健康 Science Students

Growing up 在格里利市 in the 1960s and 1970s as an only child, Dr. 玛丽·乔·德鲁,79年 就像她说的,有一个田园般的童年吗. 有两个鼓舞人心的和超前的 parents, she was allowed to follow her interests wherever they led. 一个自称 “science geek,” she had to know more about everything around her, whether it be rocks, the clouds in the sky or the organs in the human body.

Growing up 在格里利市 in the 1960s and 1970s as an only child, Dr. 玛丽·乔·德鲁,79年 就像她说的,有一个田园般的童年吗. 她有很多可以共度时光的朋友 in her neighborhood and a nearly insatiable curiosity. 有两个鼓舞人心的和超前的 parents, she was allowed to follow her interests wherever they led. 一个自称 “science geek,” she had to know more about everything around her, whether it be rocks, the clouds in the sky or the organs in the human body. 

It only made sense that by 6 or 7 years old, she knew she wanted to be a doctor, even though the norm at the time was for women to be nurses, not doctors.  

在 her visit to the 北科罗拉多大学 (UNC), Drew loved the small 入门级班级人数. 而 many universities packed introductory classes with hundreds of students, Drew felt UNC would give her the education she sought. 而 她在攻读 Biological Sciences in the College of Natural and 健康 Sciences, those class sizes helped Drew understand the teaching material and build personal 与教授的关系. 德鲁在博天堂官方的学习经历给他留下了深刻的印象 impression that she can still remember the names of each of her professors. 

Throughout her college years, Drew feels that her mentors not only prepared her for the career she would have but also became her second family. 现在住在洛夫兰, Drew cherishes the 20-minute drive to Greeley to visit her former professor Ed Richards, 他的妻子, 琼. 

“我仍然和艾德保持联系 吉恩·理查兹”德鲁说。. “When I was working out of state and came back to see my parents while they were living in Denver, or the year my dad was ill and passed away, I would stay 和他们一起去格里利. 我成了他们的代孕孩子之一.” 

Although Drew might not be as close with all her mentors from UNC, she remembers each one—their names, classes and how they prepared her for medical school and beyond. The affection is evident in her voice and at how she laughs as she describes their 多年来对她生活的影响. 

When Drew was accepted to the University of Colorado School of Medicine, she remembers classes like anatomy and biochemistry being incredibly rigorous. 她把时间归功于自己 at UNC for preparing her well to succeed throughout medical school.  

Dr. 玛丽·乔·德鲁

“当我进入医学院时, I already knew much of the material in the first two years of classes”德鲁说。. “I’d had such good preparation because I had taken biochemistry series and minored 在化学.” 

她在博天堂官方的岁月, Drew worked at what was formerly known as the Weld County General Hospital 在格里利市. 她就是在这里认识了80年代的朋友比尔·德拉吉. 德鲁是一名抽血师 in a lab at the hospital while deAtherage was a morgue assistant helping with autopsies. 

Reminiscing about her friend, Drew says, “I can still see him skulking down the hall 穿着过长的实验服. 他和我有着相似的奇特和 有点讽刺意味他很幽默,所以我们很亲密.” 

Through her friendship with deAtherage, Drew remembers sitting in on autopsies that 和你现在看到的很不一样吗. 当时,病理学家通常不会这么做 即使戴手套. 

在他去世后,他把他的财产留给了德鲁. 花了几个月的时间 想想看,德鲁找到博天堂官方建立了 威廉J. 迪拉格纪念奖学金基金 to honor her friend’s memory and help the next generation of UNC students. 从这个 endowment one or two scholarships have been awarded for nearly 20 years to upper-level 医学预科的学生. 

Through her own estate commitment and annual support, Drew also established her own 奖学金, 玛丽·乔·德鲁, MD, MHSA, 健康 Careers Scholarship Endowment 帮助学生从事健康事业. 

“My hard work was at least half of it, but UNC was the start of it. 这让我爱上了 medical school, which opened that door and led to everything that followed. 我觉得 就像我欠博天堂官方很多一样,”德鲁说. 

A scholarship recipient herself, Drew lived at home and worked between 20 and 25 hours 在博天堂官方就读期间. She saved a lot of money that way and wants to help those 谁没有她那么幸运. 

If possible, Drew enjoys personally meeting every recipient of the deAtherage Scholarship. She takes the time to sit down and tell the students his story and show 他们 a picture 从他在博天堂官方读书时就开始了. 德鲁继续给学校捐款是因为 她认为这是一个连续体. She likes the next generation to know who came before 他们. 

Drew explains to scholarship recipients the meaningfulness behind her support by saying, “We had our time, and this is your time, and I want this to be a time when you can 集中精力拿到学位.” 

Drew has had a lengthy and impressive career that has taken her all over the country. The division head of Transfusion Medicine and medical director of the blood bank at the Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit, Michigan and the chief medical officer at the American Red Cross Pacific 北west Regional Blood Services in Portland, Oregon, are just some of the positions Drew held throughout her distinguished career. 

The outstanding impact that Drew continues to have on UNC and numerous students’ lives 结果她被评为199级3 UNC 荣誉校友,她现在在 荣誉校友评选委员会. 德鲁作为博天堂官方校友的骄傲是显而易见的 in the way she talks about her experience, gives back to the next generation, and helps identify other alumni who go above and beyond for the UNC community. 一个自称 “walking billboard” for the university, Drew couldn’t be more proud to be a Bear. 

