
instructor st和ing in circle of students in a large room conducting acting class

Exp和ed Curriculum Makes a Pitch for more Students to Explore Innovative Art

Beginning fall 2023, all UNC students will have more unique 和 diverse opportunities 在大学生涯中追求音乐和艺术. 在改造的过程中 the College of Performing 和 Visual 艺术 (PVA) curriculum, Dean Cristina Goletti, MFA, is creating a cultural 和 creative hub to support the development of future 艺术家、学者和教育家.  

Beginning fall 2023, all UNC students will have more unique 和 diverse opportunities 在大学生涯中追求音乐和艺术. 在改造的过程中 the College of Performing 和 Visual 艺术 (PVA) curriculum, Dean 克里斯蒂娜·戈莱蒂,艺术硕士, is creating a cultural 和 creative hub to support the development of future artists, 学者和教育家.  

“We’re doing a lot of work to make sure our students 和 our faculty from the three schools within PVA feel that they can integrate 和 collaborate to exp和 the boundaries that art disciplines have created in the past,” Goletti 说.  

To start, the college is at the cutting edge of 音乐 in higher education, offering two new undergraduate concentrations to the Bachelor of 艺术 in Music degree.  

拉丁音乐专业 是美国的第一个 giving students an in-depth look at the 音乐al traditions of South 和 Central America 以及加勒比海和墨西哥. 这种专注让学生可以尽情发挥 ensembles that honor 音乐 genres like mariachi, cumbia, tango, samba 和 others.  

培养与表达集中 will build on the already successful Bachelor of 艺术 in Music, affording extra flexibility in the curriculum to offer students multiple possibilities for minors, certificates 和 to pursue their areas of interest in the field of 音乐 or beyond. 

“Both of these concentrations are not audition based, which is a real revolution in the way that we have been thinking about our School of Music for a long time,” Goletti 说. “We are adding these to make sure that anybody who has a desire to study 音乐 at a university level can do so in an environment of excellence 和 dedication to 音乐. “ 

的 拉丁音乐专业 intentionally emphasizes diversity, equity 和 inclusivity 和 the university’s commitment to becoming a Hispanic Serving Institution by 2025. It will also align the coursework with where the industry is heading. 根据 the Recording Industry Association of America, there was a 35% growth in the Latinx 美国的音乐市场.S. 2020年至2021年. 

Continuing with efforts to offer an art experience to all students at UNC, PVA also created a new certificate in 的atre 设计与技术. 以前,这些课程 were only available to students in PVA’s School of 的atre 艺术 和 Dance (STAD) who were pursuing a Bachelor of Fine 艺术 (BFA) in 代理, 音乐剧, or 的atre 设计与技术. Now, by repackaging the 22 credits of existing design 和 technology coursework, all UNC students will be able to take part in the design 和 technology 戏剧的各个方面. 

"We have students in STAD 和 at UNC who have an interest in technical theatre but 我不想主修这个领域。” STAD副主任 安妮·托维博士.D.说,. "的 certificate allows students to pursue coursework in areas of technical theatre, like design, to which they might not have exposure through the more generalized Introduction to 的atre or Introductions to Technology classes now offered." 

Recent 的atre 设计与技术 graduate Tim Cortez ‘23 says being involved in the art community is one of his top highlights of attending UNC. 所以,有学生 from other colleges join in would enhance their higher education experience 和 give 他们有一种额外的归属感. 

“I owe a lot of my strength as a designer to my peers,” Cortez 说. “开始 my first year at UNC, my classmates 和 I would show each other our work 和 we all 互相反馈. 我们真的开始了解彼此,珍惜彼此的 意见和批评. 这个社区非常令人振奋.” 

的 new curriculum changes reflect the college’s ongoing efforts to ensure UNC students are well-positioned for employment after graduation by making them more well-rounded 候选人. PVA was also successful last year in upgrading three existing Bachelor of 艺术 degrees in the School of 的atre 艺术 和 Design – 代理, 音乐剧剧院设计/技术 – to Bachelor of Fine 艺术 (BFA) degrees to recognize the level of coursework 和 这些项目需要专业培训. 

“This is really important because it speaks to the level of work that we’ve been doing for a long time in our programs in the College of Performing 和 Visual 艺术, 和 这是我们项目的与众不同之处,”戈莱蒂说. “那些经历过这些的学生 程序应该受益于这一证书.” 

Goletti says revamping the PVA curriculum will continue to be a deliberate effort 在未来的岁月里.  

“We will make sure that what we do here prepares our students for the world that they’re 将会遇到,”戈莱蒂说. 在这一点上,我们有继续创新的愿望. We will of course honor the traditions, but we will also very confidently look forward to what the arts world is 和 is going to be in the next five, 10, 20 years.” 

