

Inspiring Others Through 科学: New Audiologist and Cognitive Neuroscientist Plans 产生巨大影响

利用她在听力学和认知神经科学方面的专业知识, 汉娜•格里克, Au.D., Ph.D.她希望帮助学生发现他们在科学上的目标和热情. 

利用她在听力学和认知神经科学方面的专业知识, 汉娜•格里克 Au.D., Ph.D.她希望帮助学生发现他们在科学上的目标和热情. 

在获得听力学博士学位后,她获得了跨学科的博士学位.D.,在田野里 speech, language and hearing sciences, cognitive science and neuroscience from the University of Colorado Boulder and working as a 研究er in industry, Glick joined the 北科罗拉多大学’s College of Natural and 健康 科学s this 以教授的身份堕落. 她所受的教育为她将来的工作打下了坚实的基础 神经成像,大脑可塑性和认知领域. 她获得了学士学位 in Speech, Language and Hearing 科学 in 2012, where she learned about people with 不同的沟通障碍. 在她的研究生培训期间,格利克在各种 clinical audiology settings doing rotations through the University of Colorado Hospital, 马里昂唐斯中心和一家私人诊所. 她还参加了和 赢了3场-分钟论文(3MT) in 2019. 3MT是一项比赛 博士 学生们以一种任何人都能理解的方式谈论他们的研究, 三分钟以内. 她介绍了她的研究 on the brain function of adults with various st年龄 of hearing 损失 and highlighted 助听器可以帮助对抗大脑和认知变化. 

读完她的博士学位后.D.格利克在一家人工耳蜗公司工作. 她在设计 the next generation of cochlear implants and new clinical tools to improve outcomes 人工耳蜗受者. 

She found her path to audiology and neuroscience when a good friend’s mother received 成人人工耳蜗植入. 格利克说,看到她朋友的过程 mom receiving the implants was eye opening and it was amazing to see how the brain 能“重新学习”听力吗. 这位母亲还在一家医院担任家庭咨询师 帮助辅导有先天性听力损失婴儿的家庭. 格里克阴影 她在做这件事,并决定向这个兴趣倾斜. 

Glick is a clinical audiologist who helps people with hearing and balance. 听力学家的 job is to screen, diagnose and treat hearing and balance disorders for people of all 年龄. Audiologists help figure out what the best approach would be for a patient to 使用助听器或人工耳蜗等听力技术. 解决平衡问题 issues, audiologists assess a patient’s balance system, which includes vision, their 触觉和内耳. 

Glick’s other interest is neuroscience, a discipline that studies the human brain 以及它是如何工作的. 具体来说,格利克对认知神经科学很感兴趣 area of 研究 that combines measurement of brain activity (mostly by means of neuroimaging) 以及在认知和行为任务中的表现. 她把它应用到听力学上 神经科学研究. 

“A lot of audiologists spend their days thinking about the ear, but the ear is attached 我们的大脑,所以我们不用耳朵去听和理解. 我们倾听并理解 用我们的大脑,”格利克说. “耳朵只是我们思考时拼图的一部分 博天堂官方网站听力损失.” 

Glick is passionate about the work she does and is enthusiastic about sharing her 研究. Most of her work uses neuroimaging (brain imagining) as a way to examine 听力损失对大脑的影响. 她进行的一项研究是针对婴儿的 with hearing 损失 and delved deeper into how their brain pathways develop. 她还 研究ed how early hearing intervention in babies can promote typical brain development.  

Glick’s 研究 has been supported by the National Institutes of 健康 and the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association and featured in publications and presentations 在全球范围内. 

In another study, she looked at the effects of aging and age-related hearing 损失 以确定听力损失如何影响认知功能. 

“The study included older people who had hearing 损失 and older people without hearing 损失. 我们在基线时研究了两组的大脑和认知功能. 然后,我们 took the group of adults with hearing 损失 and fit them with hearing aids, and we looked at changes in their brain and cognitive function after six months of hearing 援助使用,”格利克说.  

“We also looked at their cognitive function, so their memory and decision-making after 治疗. 我们发现他们之后大脑发生了很多变化 were treated, and their cognitive function improved in specific areas such as their 全球认知功能,处理速度和执行功能.” 

这项研究是格利克最喜欢的研究之一. 为了参加这项研究,她工作了 with local agencies to provide grants for the adults to purchase and keep their hearing 研究后的艾滋病. 许多参与者都负担不起 助听器.According to the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, 助听器一般不包括在医疗保险提供商的保险范围内. 最近 文章从 《博天堂官方》  estimates that an individual can spend anywhere from $2,000 to $8,000 for a pair 这取决于助听器使用的技术. Next to a house and a car, hearing aids can be the third most expensive purchase for 老年人. 

Glick is continuing her 研究 studying how hearing 损失 affects human’s overall 幸福. Currently, she is analyzing data she collected about depression to understand how people’s depression was either changing or improving from the time before they 在他们收到助听器后接受助听器. 

One large reason Glick made the decision to come to UNC was the university’s student-centered 注重教与学. 考虑到博天堂官方作为一所师范学院的历史 back to 1889, the university was extremely attractive to Glick, who is passionate 博天堂官方网站教学和帮助学生发挥最大潜能.  

Glick wanted to become a professor because she believes the future of audiology and neuroscience is in the hands of students, the next generation of audiologists and 科学家们. 支持学生找到自己的兴趣所在 是她喜欢做的事吗. 格利克希望让学生具备批判性思维 and problem-solving skills that are essential in the field of audiology as it is constantly 不断发展的. 

“随着人工智能的发展,技术变化如此之快。. 我们不知道 what it’s going to look like, so I am very passionate about supporting students in their passion areas and helping them solve those unknown problems of the future,” 格里克说. 

With these goals in mind, she is excited to mentor and work with students who are first-generation or come from underrepresented backgrounds since these groups are 在科学界的代表性不足. 她想让学生们兴奋起来 science and show them that they can succeed, how fun science is and how the industry 能使全国的社区受益吗. 

“Students can go on to have really meaningful careers where they’re making a difference 在世界和其他人的生活中,”格利克说. 

——作者: Zvi Gutierrez, the 市场推广及传播 Department student writer.
