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The Top Stories of 2023

通过我们的社交媒体,来看看2023年最受关注的头条博天堂官方网站吧 媒体渠道,联合国军大学博天堂官方网站网站以及当地和国家媒体.

过去的一年提供了很多机会来庆祝北卡大学的奇迹,从 校园里发生了巨大的变化,学生在校内外取得了备受赞誉的成就 classroom, to the celebration of a century. Read on to see the top 10 stories of 2023 通过博天堂官方的社交媒体渠道吸引了最多的兴趣, news site and with local and state media.

Bears Feast on New Cuisine


Students returning to campus in spring 2023 were treated to global dining options with the grand opening of the University Center’s (UC) newly remodeled food court. Students can experience four new restaurants — Bowlful, Empire State Pizza, Crisol Latin Kitchen and Burger & Co. — and an outdoor patio that opened in the summer.

Creating Community Through Art 


Mexican Chicana alumna and mural artist Brenda Vargas, ’22 unveiled Centro de Educación Aztlán. The three-panel mural 是为了创造一个社区空间,而不仅仅是为那些认同自己的人 作为墨西哥裔/o/x、拉丁裔/o/x和西班牙裔,但对于每个想要一个空间的人来说 to build an academic identity. The project was the result of 艺术家、墨西哥裔/拉丁裔研究部门、米切纳之间的联盟 Library and UNC’s Division of Diversity, Equity 和包容性作为大学努力的一部分 becomea Hispanic Serving Institution. People can view the mural at 米切纳图书馆主楼的西凹室.



UNC junior and Greeley, Colorado, native Andrew Alirez finished a perfect season (28-0) on the road to winning the NCAA 141-pound national championship in wrestling. 他的冠军标志着该项目第一次作为NCAA一级项目和该项目的 10th overall (NCAA Division II & prior to divisional era). Ranked as the No. 1 wrestler in the United States and the No. 9 wrestler in the world in 2023 by FloWrestling, Alirez is taking an Olympic redshirt during the 2023-24 season to train for the 2024 Paris Olympics.

History Makers Smash Preseason Prediction 


Initially picked to finish last in the Big Sky preseason rankings, UNC’s softball team defeated No. 1 seed Idaho State to claim their first Big Sky Tournament Championship in school history.

Shining on the International Stage 


表演和视觉艺术的学生,教师和工作人员 showcased their talents on the global stage  in May 当时他们在多米尼加共和国的圣多明各演出. More than 40 university 表演者们参加了为期一周的旅行,在那里他们领导工作坊,参加课程, 在国家剧院,爱德华多·布里托剧院,授课并演出. 剧院里挤满了2000人,包括文化部副部长和 the U.S. Ambassador to the Dominican Republic.  

Bearfoot in the Park 


UNC 在8月的新生日欢迎一年级新生入学. New Bears participated in student events, games and bonding times to make new friends, get to know neighbors and adjust to life at UNC.  

Flying High: Student Earns Prestigious NSF Research Fellowship   


Alumna Leah Crenshaw, M.S. ‘23, was 获得了著名的国家科学基金会研究生研究奖学金计划. 该奖项旨在表彰和支持正在追求的优秀毕业生 research-based master’s an在科学、技术、工程和数学领域获得博士学位 fields.  Crenshaw came t她在博天堂官方攻读生态学硕士学位,特别是研究鸟类学 under School of Biological Sciences Professor Lauryn Benedict, Ph.D.他是鸟类行为和动物交流专家. Crenshaw is planning to pursue her doctorate at Cornell University,  home 康奈尔鸟类学实验室是世界知名的鸟类研究中心 and conservation of birds. 

Transformational Gift  


博天堂官方的愿景是满足全州对医生日益增长的关键需求 received a major endorsement in 2023. The Weld Trust committed $25 million 指定用于大学拟议的骨科医学院. It is 这是学校历史上最大的一笔捐款也是一笔转型投资 这将支持加强科罗拉多州医疗保健队伍和地址的努力 the physician shortage. 上面的照片是一位艺术家绘制的 building that is tentatively planned to occupy the current site of Bishop-Lehr Hall on West Campus. 

Celebrating a Century of Homecomings 


博天堂官方今年庆祝了一个重要的里程碑,庆祝一个世纪的传统, competitions, community and laughter during its 100th Homecoming Celebration in October. 这一周的活动和事件有机会吸引学生, 家人,校友和朋友,并作为开球到大学的 校友口述历史计划,一个珍贵的校友故事汇编,将被 showcased at next year’s Homecoming celebration.  



1996年毕业于基础教育专业的校友杰西卡·梅(Jessica May)是一名学生 被评为今年科罗拉多州的年度教师. 科罗拉多州贝瑟德特纳中学的家庭和消费者科学老师, 以将体验式学习引入课堂而闻名,并归功于她的成功 在她的学校支持系统中建立牢固的联系. About 30% of Colorado’s Teacher of the Year awardees have been UNC alums. May is the 18th UNC alum to receive 自科罗拉多州教育部开始破例认可以来 1963年的K-12课堂教师. 

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